Posted on 6 Dec 2021
Dear valued customer,
Royale International has been closely monitoring the spread and impact of the Coronavirus from its origins in China to its current outbreak in South Africa.
As a responsible SA corporate citizen, we are liasing with all service providers and staff in order to keep our employees and clients safe, while also continuing to offer the service levels that Royale are known for.
As well as following all SA Health Department guidelines and protocols, Royale has enacted the following:
• Hand sanitisers are in every vehicle and located at strategic points around the offices
• All staff have access to internal communication systems.
• We regularly communicate the Dept of Heaths prevention methods: 1)Wash your hands regularly 2)Avoid touching your face 3)Cover your cough or sneeze 4) Practice sensible social distancing 5)Don’t Panic.
• Instructions on Hand washing techniques and general information are posted around communal areas and bathrooms.
• We have closed some of our staff kitchens and moved to disposable plates and cutlery
• WHO FAQ’s have clear information about previous analysis that coronavirus is not viable on objects, letters and packages. We communicate WHO information on our social media that it is safe to handle and receive shipments from China
• We provide rubber gloves if staff wish to use them when handling shipments in the warehouse.
• We encourage all staff and clients to subscribe to the SA Dept of Health COVID-19 WhatApp Alert line: +27600123456
• The cleaning schedule of the inside hard surfaces of all our vehicles has been increased.
• We are happy to enter into specific delivery and collection steps with clients, which can be no contact, if required, and drop shipments in designated areas without requirement for signature / meet in a neutral area.
• We are in the process of disabling our biometric (fingerprint) clockins and moving to a manual or card system.
• We have prepared a list of staff who can work from home, in case this becomes unavoidable
• We have a daily conference call with the Royale COVID task team
• We have banned customer walk-ins
• We have suspended all staff meetings and training sessions
We will continue to update all processes as the situation develops.
Please, Take precautions
• Social distancing, when possible.
• Cancel non-essential doctor & other appointments.
• Schedule telehealth sessions for appointments you can’t miss.
• Designate an emergency contact in your family and H&S at work.
• Wash your hands frequently (scrub for 20 seconds with soap and water).
• Use hand sanitizer when soap isn’t available especially after handling money.
• Drink hot liquids, heat kills the virus, and drink regularly to flush the virus into the colon where it is easily neutralized.
• Handling currency, don’t touch your eyes, nose, mouth or allow intimate greetings.
If you think you’re sick
• Call your doctor before going in for a test.
• Don’t use public transportation and stay at home as much as possible.
• Call SA Coronavirus Hotline For Testing – They come to you – 0800029999.
• Department of Health News and Info Contact and Updates Whatsapp 0600123456.